“Safe Taxi (in Danish “tryg.taxi”) is the name of the taxi industry’s Code of Conduct. The purpose of Safe Taxi is that we, in the industry association Dansk PersonTransport, want to help ensure a safe taxi experience for customers in Denmark. Taxi companies that are part of Safe Taxi commit to implementing a set of principles, all of which contribute to greater security in taxis. On this page, you can learn more about what Safe Taxi means for you as a customer. You can see which taxi companies have adopted the code for their drivers and how to recognize a safe taxi on the street.
We look forward to welcoming you in a Safe Taxi, where your safety is our priority.” –
Trine Wollenberg
Deputy Director – Taxi Sector & Public Transportation Sector at Dansk PersonTransport

Frequently Asked Questions

Our 10 Principles Behind Safe Taxi
1. Requirement for a Clean Criminal Record at Hiring
Upon hiring, all drivers must possess a personal criminal record without any convictions, as well as a child clearance certificate without any remarks.
2. Ongoing Requirement for a Clean Criminal Record
Drivers must continue to meet the requirement of a criminal record without convictions, in accordance with the provisions in the tryg.taxi code, as long as they perform taxi services for the company they are affiliated with.
3. Introduction to Customer Service Policy
At the time of hiring, drivers must receive and review the company’s customer service policy, including, for example, guidelines on handling harassment in the taxi.
4. Measures During Employment
Companies must carry out regular inspections, random checks, or other measures to ensure that drivers continue to meet the company’s standards.
5. Prevention of Harassment
Companies must implement a continuous preventative effort against harassment through educational materials, courses, newsletters, posters, and other tools.
6. Quick and Thorough Case Handling
Companies commit to thoroughly handling all cases of poor customer service and harassment, aiming to provide the customer with a dedicated contact person throughout the process in serious cases.
7. Initiating Case Handling Within Two Business Days
In cases involving offensive behavior, the taxi company is required to begin handling the case within two business days.
8. Reporting to the Danish Road Traffic Authority
Companies report drivers who, in the company’s view, have acted contrary to good conduct standards in the industry to the Danish Road Traffic Authority.
9. Reporting to the Police
Cases, including harassment cases, that are considered to be violations of criminal law must be reported to the police, and the Danish Road Traffic Authority must be informed of the report.
10. Zero Tolerance for Harassment Cases
Drivers are suspended in cases of harassment and barred from future driving in confirmed harassment cases. Serious cases are also reported to the police.
Companies committed to Safe Taxi
Safety Tips for Your Taxi Ride
It is generally safe to take a taxi in Denmark. The country’s taxi industry is regulated by laws and standards that ensure licensed taxis meet high safety and service requirements. By choosing a licensed taxi and following a few simple tips, you can make your journey even safer:
Choose Tryg.Taxi Companies for Extra Safety
It is recommended to use taxis from companies that are part of the Tryg.Taxi code, as they commit to maintaining exceptionally high standards for their drivers. These companies adhere to additional safety and service measures, ensuring a safer and more reliable taxi experience.
Use Licensed Taxis
Licensed taxis have a fixed taxi sign on the roof, along with the company’s name and permit number on the doors. Inside the taxi, the driver’s official ID card should be visible. Licensed taxis also feature GPS tracking, video surveillance, and secure payment systems.
Use a Taxi App
Most taxi companies offer apps that allow you to easily book and pay for your ride. The app can also show the location of the car and provide you with all relevant details about your trip afterward.
Before Your Journey
The need for a taxi can arise suddenly. It’s a good idea to have at least one taxi app installed on your phone with updated payment information, so you’re always ready to book a ride.
Inform About Payment Arrangements
If you don’t have a valid payment method at the start of the trip but someone else can pay upon arrival, make sure to inform the driver of this before the journey begins.
Travel Together
If possible, share the taxi with friends. It’s both cheaper and more environmentally friendly. You can agree with the driver to be dropped off at different locations (be mindful of restrictions if the trip was booked through a fixed-price app). Always avoid sharing a taxi with strangers.
When Traveling Alone
If you are traveling alone, you can always choose to sit in the back seat if it makes you feel safer.
Keep an Eye on Friends
Take care of your friends when you’re out. If a friend needs help and is unable to look after themselves, follow them home in the taxi to ensure their safety.
Keep the Receipt
If you take a taxi from the street or call one, always remember to get a receipt. Keep it as documentation in case any issues arise.
Contact for Questions
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact the taxi company for assistance.

Tell a Friend or Family Member How You Are Getting Home
When you’re heading home, for example after a night out, it’s a good idea to inform a friend or family member which taxi company you’re using. You can also share your location through map apps so they can track your journey home. Additionally, you can take a photo of the taxi and send it via SMS for extra safety.
Have Your Destination Address Ready
Make sure you have the full address written down or saved as a screenshot on your phone, so you can quickly provide the driver with your destination.